Charity & Sponsorships

Our Charity Partner: Papworth Trust

In 2014 our founding Partner, Stuart Forsdike, chose to make The Papworth Trust our charity partner – not just because he is passionate about their cause, but also because 100% of the money raised goes directly towards the charity. More specifically, the funds go to the Papworth Basildon Centre, which is local to our head office.

In the time Papworth have been our charity partner, we have raised over £15,000 for them through marathons, cycle rides, golf days and all sorts of staff events. Now our aim is to raise £10,000 in 2024 to mark the 10 years of our partnership with the Trust.

We have scheduled our PCS Legal Annual Charity Golf Day, Climbing Snowdon, The Cambridge Half Marathon, The London Big Half Marathon, Ride London and Swimming the Serpentine all in 2024.

The Papworth Trust supports adults with physical disabilities, learning difficulties, and those with profound and complex needs, to live as independently as possible. Their mission is to provide disabled people with equality, choice and independence.

We visit the Basildon centre regularly, and it is astounding to see the real impact and differences the money we raise makes to the everyday lives of their customers. The £10,000 will help them towards building an Independent Living Unit at the centre, enabling customers to learn how to provide for themselves in every aspect of their home life, which will be an essential way of helping them achieve independence.

If you would like to make a donation you can visit our official JustGiving page here. Alternatively, please contact your case handler who will arrange to forward you the relevant details. Please also refer to our charity poster which you will receive when instructing us on any Conveyancing or Will matter. Thank you for all your support as we head towards this £10k goal.

Food Banks

As well as our continuous fundraising for Papworth, every year our Basildon, Wickford and Rayleigh offices hold a food drive for the Trussell Trust Basildon foodbank, and our Ongar office donates their collection to Streets2Homes. We understand how important their work is for the 1 in 5 people in the UK living below the poverty line. 

In 2023, the Basildon Foodbank gave 2042 three-day emergency food supplies in crisis. To find out how you can help, you can visit their website here.

Streets2Homes is a Harlow-based charity that supports homeless people in the area, preventing over 72 homeless cases and making over 222 outreach visits. For more information, you can visit Streets 2 Homes.

Our Sponsorships

As well as our charity work, we support local businesses and personalities with several official sponsorships. We’re incredibly proud to have these meaningful partnerships, so please follow us on social media for important updates and more information on how we support our local communities.

Our Sponsorships:

  • Ben Collins

  • Ladies Carp Team England

  • PCS Allstars

  • Romford FC

  • South Benfleet FC

  • Daisy Warne

  • Aero Convey & Aero Title

  • Justin Anderson

  • PCS Legal Eagles